July 2, 2024        Calendar of Events          Next meeting: Aug 4, 2024

SPEAKER for Main Meeting: July 7, 2024

Overview of Presentation: Continuing the “AI” theme, there will be some video presentations on how an “AI” is built, programmed, and used.




SPEAKER topic for following Meeting: Aug. 4, 2024:

To be announced
The SIGs
Due to COVID and a number of other reasons, we are looking for new members and SIG leaders.

9:00 a.m.
Linux for Desktop Users …......................Science 131
  Topics on Linux O.S., Beginner Q's here.
Beginners Digital Photography...Science 131A
  Topics about digital photography.
Reviews & Consignment Tables,
Coffee & Donuts

10:30 a.m.
3d printing .......Jim Sanders.........
  For anyone who wants to learn about 3D printing
Adv Digital Photography.........Science 131A
  Questions and Answers about Digital Photography.
Linux Administration…….............................Science 131
  Admin topics about the Linux operating system.
Mobile Computing..........Science 109
  This SIG discusses mobile devices.

12:00 p.m.
PIG SIG …………..................…..Hashinger Courtyard
Brown bag lunch outside Irving Hall, or join the group at the student cafeteria.

3d printing .......Jim Sanders......... Science 127
3D Printer SIG continues until 1 PM. Come see our new printer in action. Watch objects being printed.

1:00 p.m.
Main Meeting.............................................
Announcements, Random Access (Members
Q & A among themselves.), Main Speaker,
Raffle (on hold), Adjourn.


Main Meeting Info, Additional Information

Web Site Staff
Webmaster Jim Sanders
Maintains Web Site and PDF archives of Orange Bytes Newsletters.
...... webmaster@noccc.org

Orange Bytes Newsletter Staff
Editor:  Jim Sanders.................... editor@noccc.org
At present, most all articles come from outside sources. Internal sources, this includes SIG Leaders, Officers, Webmaster, and hopefully General Members. No submissions means skinny Bytes. Your book reviews or product comments are welcomed.

Please send Volunteer requests to president@noccc.org and Bytes articles to editor@noccc.org.

Services:E-Waste has ended.

Consignment table is on request.

Firm Future Meeting Dates:

See calendar for 2023-24


Current agenda for Main Meeting: (See Orange Bytes Newsletter.)
Raffle is suspended:
Paid drawing:


Members drawing - must show badge for extra ticket:

Raffle prizes
Raffle prizes are similar to these.

Celebrating 48 Years of Friends Helping Friends